Friday, April 27, 2012

My blog is going to be all about food!  Since i am in college i have had to cook for myself now.  I enjoy it and wish i could do it more often!  I like cooking as well as baking and enjoy the end product!  Last night a friend and i got together and made stir fry.  We first went to the store and got all of the ingredients we needed.  We got rice noodles from a little Asian market then went to the grocery store and got two chicken breasts, ground lean turkey, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, red and green peppers and green onions.  We cut up everything and then put soy sauce, sesame oil, and oyster sauce in a pan and heated it.  Then added the lean ground turkey and chicken.  We cooked the meat with the sauces and then put it in a bowl and in the microwave to stay warm.  We then put  the same 3 sauces together again and in the same sauce pan and cooked the rice noodles with it.  Once those had about 2 more minutes, we added the meat back into it.  With the veggies, we steamed them in pot and put a little bit of the 3 sauces in with them to give them the same type of flavor.  Once those were steamed it was done and ready to eat!  It was very good and simple to make!  It also made A TON of food!  I can't wait for next week to make a new meal as well!

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